Pastor Sam Aina was ordained as Pastor of Pentecostal Gospel International Center (PGIC) on May 27, 2007 under the leadership of Pastors Abraham and Sarah Oshuntola. He served as Pastor of (PGIC) for seven years prior to launching EverLoved Christian Fellowship. The Lord has anointed him with a word for this hour that is turning the hearts of the children back to the Father’s heart.

He’s a lover of the word; a gifted teacher and a man of prayer. He ministers under the prophetic anointing of the Holy Spirit to bring healing and wholeness to the sick and to the lost. His heart’s cry is to win souls and lead individuals into a solid relationship with Jesus Christ through a practical message of God’s Love through Jesus Christ our Lord. His goal as the Senior Pastor of EverLoved is to create a place where people can worship the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ without intimidation and fear, and condemnation. He provides biblical instructions on how to live a consecrated life that’s acceptable to the Lord, one that produces balance in your overall life.

He’s married to first Lady Toyin Aina and blessed with three children. Their united vision is to build and support missions work, crossing all denominational and racial barriers as they strive to be examples of Jesus Christ’s LOVE for all humanity.

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