Welcome to Our Church

Loving God & Loving Others


Believing in God’s Word and Spirit

Pastor Sam Aina and his wife, First Lady Toyin Aina, launched EverLoved Christian Fellowship in April 2013, crossing all denominational and racial barriers; they strive to be examples of Jesus Christ’s LOVE for all humanity. EverLoved Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational church and a multi-cultural family that God is forming and currently located in downtown of Hayward California. EverLoved Christian Fellowship is a place where people can worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ without intimidation, fear or condemnation. We are a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching, non-denominational Christian church and united under the purpose of serving God through building people, impacting our community, and reaching the world for Jesus Christ. EverLoved started its Sunday services at La Quinta Inn on Hesperian Boulevard
Hayward for about three months. Shortly after that, we found a peace of a commercial property that we are renting permanently since July 2013 to current. Below are our weekly activities and prayer meetings. Our focus is to be a witness to our community by serving and responding to the social needs, to teach and train individuals for the work of the ministry. The Lord has anointed our Pastor with a word for this hour that is turning the hearts of the children back to the Father’s heart. He’s a lover of the Word; a gifted teacher and a man of prayer. He ministers under the prophetic anointing of the Holy Spirit to bring healing and wholeness to the sick and to the lost. His heart’s cry is to win souls and lead individuals into a solid relationship with Jesus Christ through a practical message of God’s Love through Jesus Christ our Lord.